Fun is the key to learning.
We all know it is hard to take in new information and concentrate when we are stressed, so it is not surprising to us the children are not thriving in schools.
We have been home educating our son for just over a year now. It has taken a lot of the stress out of the leaning process (school runs, deadlines, the stress from the teachers of new targets, etc...not to mention bullying.)
We focus maths and English around his interests and he is so much more engaged and happy. This is because he sees it as fun, not a lesson, something he has to do and complete or else.... as it was in school.
As I know, no one can teach anyone anything, we all just learn things by being exposed to them or because we have an interest in them. We don't teach our babies to walk nor to talk they just learn to do it by exposure. So I have always exposed my son to French, rather than teach it, and this is is how I ended up writing my bilingual book, so as a baby he had the same nursery rhymes in English and French.
Super hero
More recently I have been reading some French children's magazines called Pomme D'api. My son has really taken to the adventures of a little super hero called Sam Sam.
After I noticed there was a link to one of songs in the story and seen seen the cartoons, he now wants to watch one every night, as part of his bed time routine. Along with the the other stories in the magazine of course. From my point of view the more he want the better, so I am happy.
This makes exposing him to French so easy and fun for both of us.
Here is a link to one of the many Sam Sam you can find on Youtube
I hope your little ones enjoy them too.
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